2 Aug 2019

GRADnet is pleased to announce the list of forthcoming GRADnet Training events for the academic year 2019-20.
These events are only for SEPnet postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers.
These events are free to attend (SEPnet pays for your accommodation and course fees for residential courses) and travel expenses can be claimed from your department.
List of training events: 23 October 2019: GRADnet Induction at 1 Park Crescent, International Students House, London W1: This is compulsory for all September/October 2019 starters. 6-7 November 2019: Measurement Science Conference, the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. (10 places available for SEPnet PhD Students) 27-28 November 2019: Astrobiology and Planetary Science, the Open University, Milton Keynes. 2-3 December 2019: Turning Science into Business, the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. 4 December 2019: IOP/SEPnet Career Panel Event for Physicists at the Institute of Physics, London N1. (networking event for physics students and postdoctoral researchers.) 15-16 January 2020: Machine Learning and AI, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London. 17-19 February 2020: Teams, Communication and Leadership � Winter School at Cumberland Lodge, Great Park, Windsor. 25-27 March 2020: Student-led Research Conferences at University of Southampton, Highfield Campus. (Arrival 4pm on 25 March for meet and greet ): Soft Matter: the unseen science all around us and The Big Data Era in Astronomy 27-28 April 2020: Quantum Computing, University of Surrey, Guildford. 6-9 July 2020: Opportunities beyond your PhD � Summer School, Herstmonceux Castle, West Sussex. 13-16 July 2020: NExT PhD Workshop, Cosener�s House, Abingdon, Oxford.
Registration open now to SEPnet postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers!